Inspired by his parents’ work in comedy and show business, 17-year-old Pauly Shore made his stand-up debut at the Alley Cat Bistro in Culver City. Shore was mentored by Sam Kinison and opened several of his sets. While touring the comedy club circuit, Shore cultivated an alter ego persona called “The Weasel”. “The Weasel” involved Shore speaking in a surfer parlance, heavily peppered with dudespeak slang such as “edged”, “melons” and “grinding” as well as his catchphrase, “Hey, BU-DDY.”
Shore’s big break came as an on-air MTV VJ, a position he held from 1989 to 1994. At the height of his MTV fame, Shore had his own show, Totally Pauly, serving as a host on MTV’s annual Spring Break parties. He also released a music video, “Lisa, Lisa, the One I Adore”.
In 1992, Shore starred in Encino Man. The film’s success propelled Shore to star in additional personalized vehicles: Son in Law (1993), In the Army Now(1994), Jury Duty (1995), and Bio-Dome (1996). In 1997, Shore starred in the eponymous TV show Pauly, which was cancelled after five episodes aired. Shore made a cameo appearance in the American rock band Limp Bizkit music video “N 2 Gether Now”as a pizza deliveryman and a briefer appearance in “Break Stuff”.
In 2003, Shore produced, wrote, directed and starred in Pauly Shore Is Dead, a semi-autobiographical mockumentary and in 2005, starred in the short-lived reality television series Minding the Store. In 2010, Shore starred in Adopted, which sees him traveling to Africa to adopt a child.
In March 2018, Shore appeared as himself in episode 10 of the TV series Alone Together.