Barry Gregory
Unfortunately Barry Gregory will be unable to attend this year's Pensacon.

Barry Gregory


Barry Gregory is the writer, colorist, editor, and publisher of the hit independent comic John Aman Amazing Man and Gallant Comics.

For the past twenty years he has worked every slot of the comic book assembly line – writer, penciler, inker, letterer, colorist – for publishers large and small. He’s written plays, scripts, and stories, and once spent three years as the managing editor of a major comics publisher, an experience that still causes him to sometimes waking up screaming.

In 2005, he co-founded Ka-Blam Digital Printing to serve the needs of small and independent comics publishers, and in 2007 launched IndyPlanet, the one-of-a-kind, print-on-demand independent comics superstore.

He lives near Orlando, FL with his wife Jennifer (the creator of the acclaimed comics DreamWalker and Abby’s Menagerie), three kids, and a big, fuzzy dog.

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